#69 Edinboro


#9 Baldwin Wallace

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Baldwin Wallace over Edinboro 30 - 0
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These schools are in different divisions; their rankings are for their respective divisions, and the predictions do not factor the different divisions, and probably should be ignored.
WrestleStat Prediction
Jacob Decatur (Baldwin Wallace) over Colton Camacho (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 3
Colton Camacho vs common opponents: 4 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#20 Medley, Jack 12/29/22 L DEC 5 - 3
Spellman, Brandon 02/23/20 W DEC 4 - 1
#127 Decatur, Jacob 11/02/19 W TB-1 2 - 1
#169 Martinez, Benjamin 11/02/19 W TF5 16 - 0 7:00
#229 Yinger, Colin 11/02/19 W TF5 17 - 1 7:00
Jacob Decatur vs common opponents: 3 - 3
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#66 Medley, Jack 02/12/21 L TF5 23 - 7 7:00
Spellman, Brandon 02/01/20 L DEC 9 - 7
#229 Yinger, Colin 12/14/19 W DEC 11 - 5
#50 Camacho, Colton 11/02/19 L TB-1 2 - 1
#169 Martinez, Benjamin 11/02/19 W DEC 5 - 3
#229 Yinger, Colin 11/02/19 W MD 14 - 5
WrestleStat Prediction
Jaden Hinton (Baldwin Wallace) over Eamonn Jimenez (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 6
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Robert Palmieri (Baldwin Wallace) over Jacob Brennaman (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 9
Jacob Brennaman vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#277 Ash, Zachary 01/07/24 W FALL 3:27
Robert Palmieri vs common opponents: 1 - 0
Ash, Zachary 02/04/23 W MD 16 - 6
WrestleStat Prediction
Michael Petrella (Baldwin Wallace) over Ryan Burgos (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 12
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Thomas West (Baldwin Wallace) over Gannon Jaquay (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 15
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Andrew Supers (Baldwin Wallace) over Max Kirby (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 18
Max Kirby vs common opponents: 1 - 0
Salek, Adam 11/05/23 W MD 11 - 1
Andrew Supers vs common opponents: 1 - 0
Salek, Adam 01/20/24 W TF5 17 - 1 6:41
WrestleStat Prediction
Joseph Petrella (Baldwin Wallace) over Joey Arnold (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 21
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Remington Bauer (Baldwin Wallace) over Brody Evans (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 24
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Mitch Sanders (Baldwin Wallace) over Eli Makel (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 27
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Benjamin DeGuzman (Baldwin Wallace) over Nick Lodato (Edinboro) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Edinboro 0 | Baldwin Wallace 30
Nick Lodato vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#232 Harris, Drew 12/10/22 W DEC 7 - 1
Benjamin DeGuzman vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#237 Harris, Drew 02/13/22 W FALL 4:17