Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Hiram College

Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Hiram College

#96 University of the Ozarks


#113 Hiram College

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
University of the Ozarks over Hiram College 31 - 9
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WrestleStat Prediction
Shelton Chastain (University of the Ozarks) over Ian Fuentes (Hiram College) FALL
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 6 | Hiram College 0
Shelton Chastain vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#177 Houchins, Noah 01/27/23 W TF5 18 - 2 6:52
Ian Fuentes vs common opponents: 0 - 4
#270 Houchins, Noah 03/01/24 L FALL 3:43
#270 Houchins, Noah 12/10/23 L TF5 15 - 0 1:26
#177 Houchins, Noah 01/14/23 L TF5 16 - 0 2:53
#177 Houchins, Noah 12/03/22 L TF5 16 - 1 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Carter Taylor (University of the Ozarks) over Jon Waszil (Hiram College) DEC 15 - 9
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 9 | Hiram College 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Jakob Zawosky (University of the Ozarks) over Alex Savering (Hiram College) DEC 11 - 9
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 12 | Hiram College 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Ashton Kauf (Hiram College) over Hayden Rofkahr (University of the Ozarks) DEC 10 - 9
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 12 | Hiram College 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Kaelon Lawson-West (Hiram College) over James Johnson (University of the Ozarks) DEC 12 - 6
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 12 | Hiram College 6
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Airamis Mendoza (University of the Ozarks) over Seth Holt (Hiram College) MD 16 - 5
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 16 | Hiram College 6
Airamis Mendoza vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#161 Villalobos, Mateo 12/29/23 W DEC 9 - 6
Seth Holt vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#154 Villalobos, Mateo 11/05/22 L DEC 6 - 1
WrestleStat Prediction
Gabriel Sheikh (University of the Ozarks) over Jimmy Thomas (Hiram College) MD 15 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 20 | Hiram College 6
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
RC Morris (University of the Ozarks) over Jaden Bell (Hiram College) TF 24 - 6
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 25 | Hiram College 6
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Zach Harper (Hiram College) over Jadaan Anderson (University of the Ozarks) DEC 1 - 0
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 25 | Hiram College 9
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Ka'Ron Lewis (University of the Ozarks) over Eddie Powers (Hiram College) FALL
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 31 | Hiram College 9
Ka'Ron Lewis vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#4 King, Donovan 12/17/22 L FALL 1:27
Eddie Powers vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#8 King, Donovan 03/01/24 L FALL 1:16