Dual Compare | The College of New Jersey vs Maine Maritime Academy

Dual Compare | The College of New Jersey vs Maine Maritime Academy

#4 The College of New Jersey


#112 Maine Maritime Academy

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
The College of New Jersey over Maine Maritime Academy 46 - 0
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WrestleStat Prediction
Matt Griffin win by forfeit
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 6 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Kyle Nase win by forfeit
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 12 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Sam Kotch (The College of New Jersey) over Chris Lee (Maine Maritime Academy) DEC 8 - 5
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 15 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Michael Conklin (The College of New Jersey) over Connor Phelan (Maine Maritime Academy) FALL
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 21 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Alex Strashinsky (The College of New Jersey) over Eli Stickney (Maine Maritime Academy) TF 24 - 6
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 26 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Nick Sacco (The College of New Jersey) over Alejandro Garber (Maine Maritime Academy) MD 18 - 4
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 30 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
James Romaine (The College of New Jersey) over Anthony Mazza (Maine Maritime Academy) DEC 11 - 5
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 33 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Austin Raynor (The College of New Jersey) over Ryan Fredette (Maine Maritime Academy) MD 14 - 5
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 37 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
DJ Henry (The College of New Jersey) over Dillion Worster (Maine Maritime Academy) DEC 10 - 8
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 40 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Alejandro Camarena (The College of New Jersey) over Jeffery Worster (Maine Maritime Academy) FALL
Running Team Score
The College of New Jersey 46 | Maine Maritime Academy 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents