Off Topic | Betting Lines

Off Topic | Betting Lines

  • posts: 1 rep: 2
    1/25/23 7:33 PM est

    Anybody know where there are betting lines on college wrestling.  I know sometimes the NCAA's might have some but wondered about something that was more throughout the season.



    aaronaure (2) ... 1/25/23 7:33 PM EST #1

    Anybody know where there are betting lines on college wrestling.  I know sometimes the NCAA's might have some but wondered about something that was more throughout the season.



  • posts: 1 rep: 1
    3/10/23 1:25 PM est

    There are a couple books that offer lines on duals but they're usually only valid in the state of Iowa. I forget which ones. Zach Bogle from Stalemates will tweet about it. Then of course there was Aron Julian which is a whole nother story

    JMHWSM (1) ... 3/10/23 1:25 PM EST #2

    There are a couple books that offer lines on duals but they're usually only valid in the state of Iowa. I forget which ones. Zach Bogle from Stalemates will tweet about it. Then of course there was Aron Julian which is a whole nother story